I eat dirt

Sebastian Harrison
1 min readFeb 24, 2021

The beauty of a forest fire is the potential living in the soil to regrow. As long as we treat the soil as our slave, we will be forced to live through it’s rebellion.

We did a soil taste test at a summer camp I attended as a child. I think back to that time often, how difficult it would be to get a random group of adults to repeat the experiment. But the kids bought in.

How long before some of us sanitize towards our insanity? Beyond a cleanliness obsession, we must own that the sudden population and industrial boom we experienced in America was built on the back of unsustainable agriculture. Cheap food grown with cheap tricks. Obsessive levels of control on natural processes with unnecessarily energy intensive design. Farming methods reliant on external water and oil.

A walk to righteousness will mean hard work. A revaluation and reeducation of American farming in the holistic model. Monocrops and ‘bigger is better’ salesmanship disrespect the earth. We are the earth.

Originally published at https://www.leavesfromthetree.com on February 24, 2021.

